Frequently asked questions

Find answers for your questions.

Is free to use?
Yes is totally free and will stay free, but because it's free we use advertising to cover the costs of running this service and maintaining it.
How can I check if a certain website is supported? supports many websites, to check if a website is supported you can simply try a link from that website, also you can check our Supported Sites page for an incomplete list of sites and search them by name.
Can I download videos from YouTube?
Yes, downloading videos from YouTube is supported.
What operating systems are supported? works online so all the operating systems are supported, Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, or any other system that can connect to the internet and download files.
Can I use on mobile and tablet devices?
Yes, works on any device with any screen size including mobile and tablet devices.
What browsers are supported?
We only support modern browsers, to ensure you get the best experience download and install the latest version of your favorite browser.
I'm getting errors although the site is listed as supported
First please make sure the link is correct, also make sure that the video you are downloading is not private or requires login to be watched because cannot download such videos, and if you still get any errors please contact us.
Can I download only the audio from a video?
Some sites provide audio files that will be shown on the download page, if you cannot find any audio download buttons then you can convert the video to any audio format like MP3, M4A, WAV, AAC and more.
Can I download copyrighted material?
No you are not allowed to use to download copyrighted material, check the terms of service for more information.
Can I download only a certain part of a video or audio file?
You can cut and trim video and audio files by clicking on the Cut File switch button located next to the download button then you can choose the start time and end time to cut the file.

Can't find the answer you're looking for?

Contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.